I cant be the only person who uses online shopping as a form of relaxation. I am queen of the add to cart but never actually check out move... anyone with me?
Tonight when I was doing my usual facebook/25 must have blah blah blah/ best skin care routines/ shit did I pay that bill, mindless online scroll I came across "Nerdwax" in an article called "50 Weird But Genius Items Most Added To Amazon Wish Lists"
If you've spent any length of time with me in person you will know that I am ALWAYS pushing up my glasses. My husband just saw me typing this and said - "whats nerdwax?", and after explaining that its a chapstick type tube of magical potions that is supposed to keep your glasses from sliding down your nose, his response was, "you need that, your glasses are always falling off your face". So add to cart goes the Nerdwax. Stay tuned for a review (in 2 days, because prime, duh).
Has anyone used it? Used something else? Have advice on what kind of glasses wont fall down my freaking face all day?
If you don't want to wait for my review and want to check it out yourself you can... here: http://amzn.to/2vTwEdP