Its been a while! My newest must have travel items!

Hi Friends! 

I am so sorry I have been MIA for a bit, I was hit with a nasty bug and then we took a couple fabulous trips back to back! Now that we're settled back in I promise to get back to our regularly scheduled programming! 

I wanted to jump on quickly and share a couple random things I have loving lately while traveling. 

First up - with tons of airline travel recently I never realized what a difference good headphones made. Oh how much I was missing out on! I enjoyed three in-flight movies, a few podcasts, and a few albums while I read all while blocking out the terrible airline noise and without hurting my little ears! I have the Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones in Rose Gold, and while a bit of investment at $219.99 I cant imagine traveling without them. 

Next up - these fabulous tennies that I never want to take off! I knew with all the walking we would be doing I needed something supportive and comfortable but I also wanted something that would be cute! I am pretty loyal to my Chuck Taylors but... my feet aren't what they used to be!

I found these New Balance "Fule Core NERGIZE" in light grey and thought they would be perfect. They come in a ton of colors, I am thinking of picking up the light purple next for spring! Or maybe the mint... or the navy... At $65.00 you dont have to feel guilty about grabbing a couple pairs! 

Lastly, this awesome lotion/moisturizer all in one. This "body stick" was awesome to travel with - I didn't have to worry about lotion leaking in my bag. It was TSA approved and worked like a champ. ITs a mix of coconut, olive oil and vitamin E in a deodorant-like stick. Perfect to rub on your hands and elbows on a long flight (I even put it around my eyes!). I will for sure be keeping one of these in my carry on moving forward! 

What are some of your favorite things to travel with? Drop them in the comments below! 


As always you can find these things in my Amazon store for easy shopping! Just head to to check out these and some of my other favorites! 

Amazon Echo & Alexa Review!

I am usually a late adopter, a marketing term for the type of person that is going to purchase a product after its proven and experienced by the early adopters. Call me a skeptic, call me whatever but until I get my hands on it or someone I know has their hands on it I tend to avoid it... 

Insert the Amazon Alexa - I thought it was intrusive and weird. I didn't want something listening to me, and I should note, I still don't, I have one in a room that is way less likely to listen to my convos then other places. 

I finally got one, today. And since - I've ordered groceries, played my favorite tunes, and had the weather read to me... wtf was I doing without one? For real? 

So far so good on Miss Alexa - what was I waiting for? I went with the Echo which is currently on sale  for $85.00 and is just as good of a speaker as my Sonos has been (approx 200 and works similarly but only music from an app)  to add to my new home office!

To buy yours click here:


What is something you avoided but you can't live without now? Leave it in the comments below! 



Amazon beauty tool favorites!

Hey babes! 

Sorry for the delay - this post has been a few days coming! Bones and I have been busy rounding up our favorite beauty tools and devices that you can grab on Amazon prime! You can shop them on the links below or directly on my Amazon Influencer page! 

Stephanie-Final Collection-0018 (1).jpg

The first thing is something a little different... razors for your face! Yep, I've been doing an at home version of dermaplaning (using a blade to remove that baby hair and also... the best part dead skin - eww!). I am totally hooked, not only is my skin continuously glowy from exfoliation, my make up goes on smoother and better. This takes some getting used to doing, I would highly suggest watching some youtube tutorials before going down this route - but once you do I promise you'll never look back! I use the Tinkle razors and you can grab a 6 pack for under 5 bucks! 

Next up is this amazing brush rack that speaks for itself!, I've written about this before on some of my gift guides, because its just that good.  My friend Lauren first showed this to me and it totally makes cleaning your brushes a dream. Goodbye days of messed up and squished brushes! You can grab this for under $10! 

Who doesn't need a fabulous mirror with lights! You guys. Prepare yourselves before you look in a mirror with magnification - sometimes its a little scary. But this mirror is awesome because it folds up for easy countertop storage and is a great size for tweezing your eyebrows, dermaplaning or just applying makeup in general! This one also comes in a pretty rose gold color! You can grab this one for under $30. 

These double-ended tweezers are the thing you never thought you needed - they are so functional and practical - I love them. They're a little funky to get used to using but I love having one tool that can serve a few purposes. I got a different brand in an ipsy bag originally but replaced them with these! Having a sharp and a slant edge in one is awesome (also great for travel!) - they're under $10 so way cheaper than the "name" brand tweezers too! 

Last but certainly not least... a dedicated pair of scissors for your eyelash strips! I used to keep just a random pair in my drawer but got grossed out at the idea of using the same ones for something I put on my eyes as scissors I used to cut off tags, open packages etc. I now keep a pair just like this dedicated to my false eyelashes! I love the pink handle - so you can tell what they are for. The small size is great too for those precise cuts! These will set you back $6! 

What are some of your favorite beauty tools or hacks? Leave me some in the comments below! 



Weekend Style, Ventura Nationals Edition!

Spent the weekend at the Ventura Nationals with my husband and some of our very best friends. We are part of a car club the El Vinos and we were fortunate enough to score an inside spot in one of the halls. Most of California is experiencing a crazy heat wave - the temperatures were pretty brutal.

Car shows are a fun way to show your style. There are all kinds of people from all walks of life who all come together over a common interest. On Friday night, we went to the art show downtown after spending the morning setting up our cars.

I decided to pair my newest Vintage Hobo Loves Louis bag with a $15 amazon score. This top is super versatile and you can easily dress it up or down. You know me... its gotta transition and it has to go in the washer AND the dryer if its going to make it into any regular rotation. Link to top:

Vintage Boho Loves Louis is an awesome company on the central coast of California who takes only authentic Louis Vuitton bag and customizes them with a vintage/western flare. You can't see it here but mine has amazing fringe all along the bottom. Yo…

Vintage Boho Loves Louis is an awesome company on the central coast of California who takes only authentic Louis Vuitton bag and customizes them with a vintage/western flare. You can't see it here but mine has amazing fringe all along the bottom. You can shop similar crossbodies on their site here:


On Saturday Dom and I escaped for an hour and got some lunch and some time in the A/C - I changed into a t-shirt and was able to freshen up my make up - felt like a new woman afterwards!


Saturday night we decided to hit the town and enjoyed a nice Italian dinner in downtown Ventura. If you find yourself in downtown Ventura be sure to check out Cafe Fiore. Thanks to the Timehop app we also realized that it was 4 years to the day that my husband and I met our now best friends Jay and Bev Dean!


Pre- dinner air conditioning cuddles with my husband, again wearing an awesome amazon find - this one has the cold shoulder vibe mixed with a halter. It was a nice breezy option for a warm evening. It comes in like 10 colors and will set you back $19. You can shop it here:


We packed a ton into the 3 days we were out of town, so thankful for an extra day off to recharge.

Are you an unpack and do all the laundry as soon as you get home kind of person or do you let it hang out in the garage in your suitcase for a while?