Belif Skincare - Moisture Bomb Review (Eye & Face)

We all know that skincare can be a daunting task, there are so many lotions, potions, serums, masks etc I often don't know where to start. I also feel that it usually takes a few weeks of using a product to know if it's going to make a difference or not. That, first and foremost is why I am writing this review after only a couple uses.  

Before I get too far into this blog - I want to be sure and mention that I received these products for free in exchange for my review on, and there alone... that being said... I really enjoyed them so much I wanted to be sure and spread the word with everyone.( I also just spent another $150 ordering different products from their line... I mean... Dom, these were free too when they show up... )

So what are we talking about here? We're talking about Moisture Bombs by belif -believe in truth a Korean beauty brand with an impressive line of skincare and cosmetics. You can find their line of products at retailers like sephora or online via Amazon. 


I have pretty normal skin. I'm not overly oily or dry (except in the winter) so I am hesitant to buy all new products just for a season (stupid I know) so I was delighted to see that these products were called "moisture bombs". 

My first impression was that I was initially impressed with the packaging. I have been known to not use a product because it doesn't work with my bathroom aesthetics, yes I am that crazy.  The pretty packaging makes these products feel special. Upon further investigation, I again was not disappointed. 

I opened the Belif Moisture Eye Bomb - ($48, currently exclusive in the US to Sephora). The thick cream has a pleasant yet not overpowering scent. Important for me especially around my eyes. Their claim is that the eye cream provides a "26-hour burst of moisture" - while I'm not sure that I felt like I had fresh product on, I did wake up with pretty darn good looking skin around my eyes! It definately held its moisture, and the skin around my eyes was much much less crepe-y when I applied concealer. 


I also used The True Cream - Moisturizing Bomb ($33) all over my face and thought it worked nicely. This might be a little too thick for me to use twice a day so I think I will continue to use this, but only as a night moisturizer.  It is not greasy per say, but you can certainly tell its on your skin. If you like more dewy look then this is for sure the moisturizer for you. Again, it was lightly scented but nothing identifiable, just enough to smell fresh. 

Overall I was more impressed with these two products than anything new I have tried in a while. I am excited to get the masks I ordered (I mean... oops sorry Dom!) and will update you once I've tried them! 

Also, after doing a bit of research found out that this brand is a total cult favorite, even making PopSugars list this fall. I keep hearing all about K- Beauty (Korean Beauty) but have not yet tried any until now. So tell me... do you have any other K-Beauty musts?!?!