I know it sounds odd to have to talk about self care - I mean why would anyone NOT take care of themselves? Well let me tell you... it happens.
On Sunday, when I was getting ready for what was supposed to be a lovely day of brunching and floating in the pool I heard an odd noise and the light in my room shifted. I looked over and saw that my ENTIRE, yes ENTIRE closet was falling down. For those that know me - you know how catastrophic that is... (and dont worry full blog post on the closet will follow)
Thankfully, I have a really handy husband (who got tired of fixing the shelf for the 900th time) and agreed to install the beautiful built in closet I have had my eye on for years. I'll admit I was the only one smiling like an idiot on the way to Lowes with dreams of a pinterest perfect closet in a few short hours. Oh how wrong I was. Not only was it one of the hottest days of summer so far, it was humid and pretty physically demanding work. It also took 12 hours. 12 hours. Thankfully we got all the building done, the cabinets and shelves installed and ended the day still married.
Fast forward to Monday morning, I woke up sick. Really sick.
I spent the last 2 days knocked on my ass. Like hot mess express, took messy bun to a whole new level, knocked on my ass. I was flat exhausted which brought with it a lovely fever (during an insane heat wave) as well as a ridiculous sore throat and some body aches and chills just to make it extra fun.
I realized that I had been letting my self care slip and it all came crashing down, kind of like my closet... no extra shot of espresso or extra support bar was going to repair me or my closet this time.
The positive, I have a whole bunch of new shows to share with you all, probably spent way too much time on Amazon (sorry babe!) and used the label maker to label ALLLLLLLL the shoes in my new spiffy closet.
I realized from my 48 hours of house arrest was really how often I forget to put myself first, I've outlined a couple things I plan to implement into my life below.
1. Spend at least 30 minutes, alone, per day doing something that makes me happy - first up finishing that book I have been carrying around for months.
2. Get active at least 3 times per week - I've started with a personal trainer once a week and plan on carrying that on by myself a few additional times.
3. Say NO - you guys, I have serious FOMO, like serious. But really, do I need to say yes to everything I am invited to? NO.
4. Journaling - I have this adorable sentence a day journal that has been sitting in my house untouched for about a year. I generally write down things I am thankful/grateful for in my day planner but using a dedicated journal makes it feel more powerful. Knowing that its just one sentence makes it feel less daunting then having to keep up with a wordy journal.
(Link to the one I have: http://amzn.to/2sQOXfE)
5. STAY organized. I notice how much better I feel when my home is in order. I am going to work hard to take the time for ME to stay organized.