trust your neighbors, but brand your cattle...

Have you ever heard the phrase "trust your neighbor, but brand your cattle"?

No? Well, now you have! 

I saw this pop up on a t-shirt as one of those facebook ads and it really got me thinking about what is currently going on in my life, this blog and what I want everything to be moving forward. I know, inspiration comes from the weirdest places right?

I started this blog as a platform to share my tips, tricks, and ideas with a larger audience. I was constantly being asked these kinds of things, so I thought why not share them all in one spot. Don't get me wrong, that's what I've been doing and what I will continue to do...but... I lost sight of what I wanted this to be, and who I am. 

So where does the stolen cattle part come in?

You see, I got wrapped up in an end goal and forgot to enjoy the process. I thought I needed experts and gurus and people with many more followers to tell me what to do. I trusted many of the wrong people, who eventually stole my cattle... not following?

I started to listen to people who I thought were my friends/collaborators/contributors (bad neighbors) and the ended up doing me wrong (stealing my cattle), instead of trusting my gut. My instinct was that I was on a good path and that I just needed to stay my course. But I totally forgot to listen to her, and instead was looking for greener pastures. (ok I promise to cut down on the cow references soon...)

The past few months you may or may not have noticed has had some different types of content from me, some I love (been pinching myself with some of the brands I have been able to work with!) and some I cringe at.  I've been spending a ton of time helping others build their brands, Instagrams, blogs etc for free- because I thought they would do the same. They didn't, nor ever had plans to. I was focusing on promoting other people instead of myself, I thought if I do this for them, they will surely do this for me if/when I need them? Wrong. 

Meanwhile, my super genuine and awesome friends (good neighbors)and collaborators were feeling left out and isolated from me - this I am very sorry for. I was putting my eggs in the wrong basket (cows in the wrong herd?... sorry, sorry...)

Don't worry - I eventually pulled my head out of my ass got my cows back and am feeling more inspired than ever! Notice how you've had a fresh blog 3 days in a row now? 

Dom helped me completely redesign our guest room into the new Bubble & Bones headquarters (ironically enough I type this from my new desk which sits right on top of a beautiful cowhide rug). I have a place to write and create content that feels inspiring and right, something I am very grateful for. Full details on the new space coming soon! 

I hope this blog inspires some of you to trust your gut, stay your course. You're doing awesome. 



Branding Babes - Facebook Live tomorrow!

You guys! 

I am so excited that tomorrow at 7 pm PST (10 pm EST) I will be going live on Facebook with my girl Shawna of Shawna Poliz Design on her weekly installment of Branding Babes! 



We are going to be talking all things branding, blogging and influencing! I am so excited to chat with her and share some of what I have learned along the way! Shawna is a general badass graphic designer, web designer, content creator and business babe! She is a wealth of information and an awesome friend too! 

Be sure to join us on her Facebook tomorrow or check out her BLOG (click here) for a recap after tomorrow! You should totally check out her blog before then too if you don't know her work, (edit: you totally know her work! You're on this page! Shawna created my logo and blog!) 

Drop some questions you may have in the comments below! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!