Hey, guess what? Its ok to like your job. No really. You can be totally fulfilled and happy working a 9-5, or whatever version of it you do.
A quick scroll of my Facebook this morning brought me so much negativity for the 9-5er. Well guess what folks - I happen to like my job. Don't get me wrong there are days when I too wish I could make my own schedule and pursue my passion projects with more focus, but I also like having a group health plan and knowing that if I show up and do good work I get a nice paycheck every other Wednesday.
I like my couple weeks of paid vacation. I like having tech support. I like having coworkers. I like that I can call in sick if I need it and there is someone to cover my ass. I like working hard and being appreciated for it. I have a healthy work life balance, I have created a career for myself in which I excel and enjoy.
I am so sick and tired of being told that I am not enough unless I am a work from home boss babe multi level marketing budding entrepreneur selling machine.
Why do we need to be so negative towards anyone that does something even slightly different than us?
Why does everyone feel they need to rescue me from my job? Its almost that the paradigm has shifted so much that the struggling entrepreneur is the new high level CEO. Don't get me wrong, 100% see the allure in being self employed - but why is it not ok for someone to NOT want that?
And please, before you even start - this has nothing to do with not being driven or working hard enough. I work hard and I am rewarded for it, both in my personal and professional life.
Just quit with the judgement, and quit with the "you don't have to hate Mondays" and "How to escape corporate american in 5 easy steps" posts.
I'm not being held captive - I am very happy here.
xoxo| SLL